He has black hair in a red headband, no shirt, a red leather jacket with black horizontal stripes and shoulder blades, dark blue leggings with the Union Jack imprinted on it, and black boots. He does not appear to have any differences in appearance from his original appearance, right down to his glove color. His black beard has grown bushier and has more detailed curls, his hat is now purple, he wears a new teal skin-tight jacket with purple-and-white striped lining held together with a shiny ribbon used as a belt, his purple pants are now baggier, and his boots now have a golden rim and are dark purple. P1 is Rasputin, the coach from Rasputin and Hungarian Dance No.

They all have orange outlines that fade around their shoes. The dancers are from previous games, but with notable differences, as they have been remodeled to fit the more detailed style of the new dancers.